
Our Services: Safety Plan

If you are concerned about your safety
If you or your children are in danger, call 911

You may also want to talk to a support worker. For example, you can call the Victim Support Line at 1-888-579-2888. Or you can call 211 and they can tell you about services near you.

Having a safety plan
People are most at risk of family violence when they first separate, at the start of a legal process, or when they go to court or other family law meetings. For these reasons, you might want to create a safety plan. Your safety plan could include:

  • having an emergency escape plan
  • picking a code word to use with your children so they know when to go somewhere safe and call for help
  • packing an emergency bag you could take if you had to leave home
  • making a list of important documents and putting them in a safe place or making copies of them
  • asking neighbours or friends to call the police if they hear fighting or loud noises, or if they see anything that worries them

You do not have to put your home address on your court forms.

However, the court needs to know where it can send you documents. If you have an address other than your home where you receive mail, this is the best address to use.